Sunday, January 27, 2008

Granddaddy's Birthday and Rock Band

Saturday was my Granddaddy's birthday. We went to my favorite restaurant, La Hacienda. Then we went back to my aunt and uncle's house for dessert and gifts. My cousins, Jacob and Stephanie have this game called Rock Band. Dani, Bobby and I really wanted to do it, and we had so much fun!!! You have two on guitars, one on drums, and one person sing. Since we agreed that I have the best voice (I'm laughing as I typed that!), I got to sing. We had a blast!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Brady Boozer

For Christmas, Tim and I got Ryan and Hil a gift certificate to the Movie Tavern, where you eat and watch a movie at the same time (it is the best place!) They took us up on our offer to watch Brady for them while they were there. Tim and I don't have our own kids yet, so I absolutely adore Brady. He is the best baby. We had such a great time watching American Idol and playing. As you can see, Angel loves him as much as we do!

Andrew and Tim love the Wii!!!

On Sunday we had our monthly Supper Club with Shay and Andrew and Amber (we missed you Jordan!) Tim and Andrew got to playing the Wii and it was hard to take them away from it. They are such boys!!!