Today is my last day in my 20's.
I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the things
that have happened to me and the things I have done
and accomplished.
I lost a grandparent
I got engaged
I started working for a great company
I got married to my high school sweetheart
We bought a house
I got pregnant and then miscarried
I got pregnant again!
I had Landry
I watched both my parents turn 50
I saw Dani get engaged to a great guy
I took Landry to Disney World for the first time
I went on my first cruise
I swam with dolphins
As I step into the next phase of my life,
I feel with certainty that these were some
of my best years.
I had so much happen to me and
I feel like I accomplished more than I ever wanted to.
I can't wait to see what my 30's will bring me!