Monday, April 26, 2010

My once a week post

So, I realized that I am only posting once a week. I am not meaning to, it just seems as if my life revolves around the weekends right now. Sad, I know. It's like we go,go,go Friday at noon through Sunday at 9PM. We decided since it was going to be so nice out all weekend, we would go hang out with my parents and spend some time with them.
Landry got her 2nd haircut. I know you are probably asking me, "why are you cutting her hair when it isn't even really that long?". I absolutely hate the mullet look. When it looks like her hair in the back is getting to "party in the back" for me, we trim it. Lucky for me, Amy my hairdresser adores Landry and will just snip snip it for me. She looks like such a big girl in the chair with her smock on. Now, if we could just get her hair on top to grow, we will be in business!

I like to keep it real on this blog, so here is what Landry does when Landry does not get her way.

Landry's new favorite toy is this car. It is 20 years old, and was Dani's when she was little. My mom has a knack for keeping things just knowing she will use them again, and lo and behold, she did!

Grammy and Granddaddy came for a visit Saturday morning and brought their dogs, Duke and Daisy. Landry loves them, because they are on her level and visa-versa! Please excuse the Walmart baby look, we just woke up from our nap!

My parents bought her this new tunnel with a tent on it, and I was trying to show her how to use it and this is what happens when you leave your camera out!

Landry got the hang of it real quick and was in that thing all weekend!

My poor baby was tuckered out, she slept almost the whole way home!


free FONT said...

omg, she's so cute ^^!
warm greeting for your family

Love, Dani said...

I had a great time with yall this weekend. Love you