Friday, November 19, 2010


After the whirlwind of the week I've had, we are just catching up! My busy season is just getting started and I am already in a fog! On Friday, with my Starbucks in hand,

(yep, that's a pumpkin spiced latte)

I went with my church friends out to Weatherford and had a girls overnight retreat. It was really good to get away with other moms and not have our kids and to talk about our lives and all that is going on right now. We as moms don't lift each other up enough. It is nice to get away every once in a while and do that. Here was one of my two roomates for the night
Charley got to come on the retreat and stayed with us. She was so good and hardly made a peep the whole night. Hilary said she had to put her in bed with us, but I was so tired I wouldn't of noticed anyways! 

I was so happy to get back home to my little girl. She was so happy to see me, it makes my time away that much easier knowing she will be excited to see me when I get home.
Tonight, we went to see Debbie in the hospital. She had knee replacement surgery. She wanted me to bring Landry up to see her.

That about covers it!

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