Friday we went to dinner with Tim's family. We went to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants. Then, they were nice enough to take her home and keep her for the night for us. Stephanie offered to watch her for us so we could go to the movies, but we were so tired we just wanted to go home and sleep! It was so nice to be able to sleep in, but I miss her even when she is gone for just one night. I did not get any pictures of us. Next time I will make sure to get some pictures.
Saturday we got to go watch Dani and Bobby play softball. Well, when we got there the other team decided not to show up, so the game was forfeited. I was so disappointed. I really wanted to see them play. Hopefully we will be able to go to another game. I love watching Dani play. She played for years when she was younger and was really good. She definitely got the athletic gene out of the two of us. I'm not sure I would even know how to swing the bat-haha! Her and Bobby have started playing on a coed team and are the pitcher and catcher (awww!). Landry loved watching them practice. She is such a little observer. Here are some pics of us at the field.
Her and Aunt Dani
Me and my girl
Saturday night we went to dinner with my parents and while we were waiting for our table we played at the fountains outside the restaurant. Landry loves these fountains. I took the opportunity to take some pics of her out there. I love having little photo sessions with her!
Landry is getting her 5th and 6th teeth in! I cannot believe she will have 6 teeth. She has not been really cranky though, so that is good. She has however gotten a super big appetite lately. She woke up Sunday morning at 5 hungry and last night at midnight starving. I've been feeding her the same amount for months and I'm thinking that I'm going to need to up it a few ounces at her nighttime feeding. It's hard once you get used to sleeping all night to have wake up again!!!

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