Well, it's here!
I'm in my 3rd trimester!
Our girl is the size of a chinese cabbage this week.
I have enjoyed being pregnant thus far, but this week it started becoming painful (literally). Back when I had my cold last month, I must of coughed too hard and I hurt my ribs. I explained this to my doctor, but unfortunately she gave me the ol Tylenol, warm bath and heating pad remedy. So, I will be trying these things. It doesn't help that a little itty bitty foot jabs it every once in a while either!!!
Tim and I started our Christmas shopping this week. This is my favorite time of the year. I love going to the mall and hearing the Christmas music and drinking my hot chocolate from Starbucks(coincidentally, it is also one of my cravings!) I have my list made and I have checked it twice. The only problem is, after about two hours of this bliss, the pregnancy back pain sets in, and I must take a breather on the nearest bench that will have me!
My first shower is this weekend, and I am so excited. I will hopefully get to see some people I have not seen in a while. I am so excited too, because my mom is giving me my bedding at the shower. I can finally start putting this nursery together! Be looking for lots of pictures from this weekend.
have you tried the salty, carmel hot chocolate from starbucks?
i so wish i could be there this weekend... i'll be looking for pictures!
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